Irma Villafuerte in ‘uneasy’ – choreography by Karen Kaeja, Black Women Film! Canada film still
Irma, a brown, Central American, woman with black hair is backlit on stage. She arches her back and lifts her arms forwards. Her silhouette is visible through the hazy light of the spotlight.
Individual Donors
Supporters of Kaeja d’Dance help fuel our innovations in stage and site-specific performances, commissions, award-winning digital and film work, and intergenerational community outreach and education programs. Your support will help fund the development of works, commissioning new work, hiring artists, developing horizontal leadership strategies, artistic residencies, mentorship relationships and free outreach programming for diverse participants. Kaeja’s donors allow us to support artists equitably as we continue to explore new creative ground, push artistic boundaries, and nurture future generations of contemporary dance artists and audiences.
All supporters are recognized on the company website, programs, newsletters and social media, along with other benefits. For more information, email us at kaeja@kaeja.org.
Help us continue to bring meaningful dance experiences to audiences and communities by donating today As a registered charity and not-for-profit organization, you will receive an official tax receipt.
Charity #: 12754 5135 RR0001
Corporate Sponsorship
Becoming a corporate sponsor of Kaeja d’Dance provides your business with a unique opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to community building, arts and culture, and social responsibility.
Kaeja’s main stage and site-specific performances, film creations, commissions, community-engaged arts projects, and educational workshops provide numerous recognition opportunities across a wide variety of demographics. By aligning yourselves with a well-established and trusted local arts and community organization, you reinforce your uniqueness as a corporate citizen and supporter of creative community events. Sponsorship contributions allow us to activate communities, educate young people, and integrate an artful approach to world views. Opportunities can be designed in collaboration with us to create a partnership that’s ideal for your business. Kaeja d’Dance also accepts in-kind donations.
For more information on becoming a corporate sponsor or private funder, please contact kaeja@kaeja.org
Community Hosting
Community Hosts are local organizations who contribute to our community performance event through volunteers and/or in-kind donations. Our community performance projects provide numerous recognition benefits, as well as fun and unique engagement opportunities for your employees. As a Community Host of one of our award-winning Porch View Dances performances, your company plays a highly visible role in this beloved community event. Community Host volunteers act as Kaeja event ambassadors and are able to engage more meaningfully with the community they serve.
For more information on becoming a Community host please contact kaeja@kaeja.org Past community hosts include TD Bank, Starbucks, St. Alban’s Boys and Girls Club and Karma Co-op.
Current Supporters
We are beyond grateful for the support of all of our wonderful donors and sponsors, without whom we would not be able to do what it is we love to do: dance! We'd like to take a moment to say THANK YOU to our current supporters.
Major Corporate Supporters
Private Supporters
Individual Donors (2020-2023)
Donna Abbey-Colborne
Laura Abitbol
Janice Alton
Bonnie Anthony
Peggy Baker
Maja Bannerman
Deborah Barndt
Suzanne Barnes
Linda Barnett
Deborah Barnett
Bruce Barton
Mimi Beck
Robert Bernecky
Pieter Biessels
Bella Bowes
Anne Bradford
Maura Broadhurst
Steven Bush
Abby Bushby
Tara Butler
Vanessa Carson
Kristian Clarke
Elana and Dan Cochran
Amanda Cook
Lesley Cook
John Cook
Julia Cosman
Lindy Cowan
Megan Cugliari
Susanna Dainow
James Davis
Jane Deluzio
Judith Doan
Kim Dunlop
Lori Eisler
Miriam Erlichman
Linda & Ken Ewen
Loretta Faveri
Yolanda Ferrato
Angie Finkel
Beth Finnis
Heather Fitzsimmons Frey
Aviva Fleising
Anne Fleming
Patricia Fraser
Louise Gauthier
Faith Goldman
Barbara Goldman
Jenn Goodwin
Puck Graafland
Lindy Green and Sam Chaiton Monica Gupta
Vivian Hall
Julie Hanson
Linda Hunter
Teruma Ikeda
Norma Jacobson
Christine Jackson
Suzanne Jaeger
Dara Jaukovic
Susan Johnson
Marlene Kates
David Keshen
Lilia Leon
Leila Lessem
Elaine Lesniak
Bethany Lifeso
Ana Lima
Amy Lister
Betty Llewellyn
Pedro Luna Fund Deborah Lundmark
Ciragh Lyons Michelle MacDougall
Glenn Malone
Jack Martin
Naomi Matsushita
Celia McBride
Doris McMurtrie
Rachel Melzer
Lisa Meschino
Shanna Miller
Jorge Molina
Karen Morch
Angela Morra
Christine Moynihan
Naoko Murakoshi
Melanie Nesbitt
Laura Nienhuis
Selma Odom
Marion Oliver
Sebastian Oreamuno
Alan Page
Nicola Pantin
Kenny Pearl
Sonya Popovich
The Chimera Project
Mary Anne Quance
Gyllian Raby
Martha Randall
Paula Ravitz
Aubrey Reeves
Leslie Rennie
Anne Resnick
Karie Richards
Sheldon Rose
Erica Ross
Terri Rothman
Sharona Rubinstein
Renu Sethi
Lincoln Shand
Bruce Shapiro
Andrew Sherbin
Carolyn Shim
Tammi Shipowick
Joan Skalicky
Sheila Sky
Margo Small
Brenda Somers
Michael Sproule
Elaine Stewart
Jini Stolk
Lily Sutherland
Tamar Tabori
Larissa Taurins-Crawford
Harold Tausch
Janice Taylor
Dianne Taylor
Catherine Thompson
Marketa Tokova
Beverly Topping
Efraim Tsarfati
Ami Tsarfati
David & Shelley Tsarfati
Sharon Vincent
Charlene Vollrath
Peter Watson
Patricia White
Phyllis Whyte
Joanne Wilby
Ro Williams
Robin Wint
William Yong
Current Partner and Affiliate Organizations
Life would get pretty lonely without out amazing partners!