RBC Interns
Since 2020, Kaeja d’Dance has mentored emerging dance artists through the generous support of the RBC Emerging Artists Project. Our 2021-2022 RBC Emerging Artists had internships with the company through which they collaborated as performers throughout 2022 in Karen and Allen's new works for our 31st Anniversary double-bill concert – Brayden and Jessica in Karen’s TouchX and Ethan and Mio in Allen’s I Am The Child Of… These awesome artists also pursued their curiosities with the support of Kaeja d'Dance, Karen and Allen. Read more about each artists’ explorations below.
Jessica has used her creative stipend to develop her own sustainable movement practice. She has been exploring the ways in which the body can resist, or surrender to gravity as a means to inform qualities such as momentum, suspension, release, form, and direction. Through her discoveries, Jessica continues to design a series of systems, and patterns that simulate the embodiment of these physical qualities. Watch Research by Jessica below.
Mio Sakamoto has been working on a short research project exploring climate change in Japan, specifically the fear and anxiety surrounding water and climate change. Mio and her team have been exploring these themes through dance and water (both real and projected). Watch her video, Explorations, below.
Brayden Clarins
Photo Credits: Jared Miller
Brayden Clarins has been taking advantage of his residency by working with sustainable design, this is a new artistic exploration and is now a passion of his because of this project.
Ethan Kim
Ethan Kim has been taking advantage over the last few years to experiment with dance on film, part of experimenting with film involved producing some of his own music. The track below is heavily inspired by a track featured in one of Ethan’s favourite video games. While creating this track, Ethan enjoyed translating the music from a video game track to a dance track.