Moving Connections: Dancing Collected Stories
Below are many of the text excerpts that were used in Moving Connections: Dancing Collected Stories to inspire movement creation.
It is like a beam thrown from a flashlight before us into the darkness. In this light we who grope, stumble, and climb, discover where we stand, what surrounds us, and the course which we should choose. In its radiance we behold the worth of our efforts, the range of our hopes, and the meaning of our deeds.
Papa said he once saw him dive into the water from his boat, hunting sa dagat [in the sea] for days When he finally emerged, he had a string of dalupapa giant squid hanging from his neck
I think about this merman often when I'm sitting in my prosthetist's office without my legs on. Seeing my limbs halved without feet makes me wonder if I am a fish-person as well
This is an excerpt from the poem Afloat in the book "Phantompains" by Therese Estacion.
The plant people have taught me to be generous and not to be shy about blossoming. That it is in our nature. I think when others see us it can inspire them to open up and blossom too. And we can be a field ablaze with dignity and beauty together.
Gramma, Grampa she yells running with arms flung open wide to embrace.
Dancing from one foot to the other to keep us up to date on new adventures and stories.
Words jump up and down and around in the telling.
Lets run – yes, as she bursts forth at full speed. I am going to beat you.
Then slowing down allowing us to catch up.
I beat you she says frankly.
Of course you did. Our hearts are warmed.
Her excitement, energy and love is unrestrained and irresistible.
Honesty, purity of accent, melody, control,
Heart, Sincerity, Soul.
Smell the roses. Touch. Be touched.
Sealed with a Kiss.
like any other faceless, nameless teacher
standing in a row of faceless, nameless teachers
stepped forward
and screamed,
dared us to be open
forced us to trust
made us take risks
put our feelings on the line.
But most of all -
you reached out and touched us.
Every Sunday morning, my mother would excitedly move the kitchen furniture to our bright yellow walls, turn on the radio and play upbeat music that we, her children, would energetically dance to. We would do quick steps, boogie and sometimes jump into each other’s arms. I always looked forward to the moment when my mother would swing me through the air as we laughed.
Sacred Woman I am
With bare feet I walk
across the river stones
with Water in my blood
and the Earth in my bones
I tend the Fire in my heart
so I am never alone
Sacred Woman I am
My journey with breast cancer has been full of struggle, hope and courage. Dancing in my living room has helped me to feel free and enjoying flowing to the music with movement. I will always light a candle in a lantern for my mum and everybody else who has cancer.
Breathe, remember.
The fire that ignited your dreams
The wind that fed your passions
The rain that cooled your thoughts
And the earth that has grounded you, is grounding you
She has always held you
Mother Gaia
Remember her nature
The ocean and the trees, the mountains and forests, the glaciers and expansive skies.